As a replacement for SQL*Plus, SQLpal offers the following features:
- syntax highlighting (in Scratchpad tab)
- auto-completion of table names and columns (in Scratchpad tab)
- up arrow brings back previous command (in SQL Prompt tab)
- read-only schema browser, supports editing PL/SQL functions, procedures, packages
- F7 to view command history
- can bookmark frequent used sql statements
- assign hot key to frequently used sql statements
- save grid as html
- one click to open result grid in Excel
- can open multiple windows for connecting to multiple databases
- uncompromising native Windows user interface
- does not require Oracle client to be installed
- does not require tnsnames.ora, instead just enter the host, port and sid
Download: sqlpal.zip for Windows 7, Windows XP, Windows 2000 and Windows NT 4.0
Important: If you get an error when connecting to Oracle you need to update the JDBC driver
included with SQLpal. Find classes12.jar in your Oracle installation and copy the file over to
your SQLpal directory, replacing the existing file.
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